sábado, 26 de outubro de 2013

Official RDP mobile application available for iOS and Android

So you might have heard it by now: Microsoft has launched a remote desktop client for mobile OSs iOS and Android. The application is available in the respective stores here and here. Surprisingly still missing: A Windows Phone version.

There is competition (and some are cross-platform). Some names can be checked here.

Function Reference for Google Spreadsheets

So Office ain't free, at least the local installed version (not talking of the 365 version of which I recognize my current ignorance) and lately I've been finding Google Docs, altough laughable when looking at the feature support, convenient for quickly collaborating with people (in a and out of the company).

I've found this handy reference to the functions supported on spreadsheets.

If we compare this to the full Excel support we'll find somethings missing, but we have a Portuguese saying here in Angola (just kidding): "A cavalo dado não se olha o dente".

sexta-feira, 25 de outubro de 2013

TIOBE: The monthly programming languages index

An interesting link to analyse the trends and maybe plan your future is the TIOBE Programming Community Index.
This is a monthly updated chart of programming languages highlighting those that are moving up and other moving down.
The criteria being considered are defined in the TIOBE site.
Also interesting is the "Long Term trands" section, showing data since 2001 and the very long term.
All of these are sections in the link above (you'll have to scroll down).