sábado, 11 de outubro de 2014

Apps and Books and Sites for Procrastinators

Procrastination is as old as the Egyptians and Greeks, but now it's a hot topic due to the fact that we have so many external stimuli that put us away from work and personal things to be done (social networks and always connected devices, interesting internet sites always feeding you with interesting novelties, etc.).

Theres are thousands of books on the issue that can be found at Amazon, and there are apps and sites to help me (sorry, you) on it.

The following article refers some of them including (goal setters or just reminding sounds):
- Procrastor
- Procrastination Hack
- Finish
- Yelling Mom

When internet is the cause for procrastination there are internet-restricting applications like:
- Freedom
- SelfControl

Even book writers use them for finishing books so why not software computer program writers (I mean developers)?

More info at:

The bright side is that the article quotes someone praising the high self confidence of guys like YOU that consciencously delay stuff to the last minute because you trust that you'll be able to deal with the last minute pressure and get away with it (with good (or fair) results. Never looked at it this way.