segunda-feira, 14 de março de 2016

About MS profits

Microsoft presents a detailed inside view of its profits (contrarily to some other companies like Apple). The Office division (Business division) continues to be the golden egg chicken, which surprises some people.

Here are some of the interesting details on an old report I've crossed my eyes recently: (based on the information publicly available at

2015 data:

OS Market Share Statistics

Statististics come in all flavours. Also the techniques used to gather data could vary and sometimes be questionable. But if you read between the lines interesting trends and data can for sure be extracted.

Some recent statistics on OS market Shares inlcude:


sábado, 5 de março de 2016

Using Audacity to backup non-digital sources

Audacity is a freeware recording software. It can be used for converting your tapes to digital. here's how: