quinta-feira, 14 de novembro de 2019

Freelancer sites list?

Found this interesting list of freelancer sites (besides freelancer.com):

Plataformas para contratar serviços de desenmerdamento, perdão desenvolvimento? https://blog.payoneer.com/freelancers/it-programming/20-job-sites-for-freelance-programmers-and-designers/
Isto é muito útil quando um bom amigo te quer cravar coisas e tu o queres mandar à merda porque queres descansar (ou trabalhar) à noite em vez de o ajudar.
À merda não, à plataforma!

quinta-feira, 5 de setembro de 2019



"Maybe its pervasiveness has long obscured its origins. But Unix, the operating system that in one derivative or another powers nearly all smartphones sold worldwide, was born 50 years ago from the failure of an ambitious project that involved titans like Bell Labs, GE, and MIT. Largely the brainchild of a few programmers at Bell Labs, the unlikely story of Unix begins with a meeting on the top floor of an otherwise unremarkable annex at the sprawling Bell Labs complex in Murray Hill, New Jersey."

quarta-feira, 24 de abril de 2019

And the top pawned passwords are...


"Today, in collaboration with Troy Hunt, we're releasing a file containing the top 100,000 passwords from his Have I Been Pwned data set. If you see a password that you use in this list you should change it immediately. This blog explains why you should do this, and answers some common questions about password blacklists.

(If you just want to download the file, you can do so here: PwnedPasswordTop100k.txt)."