quarta-feira, 4 de novembro de 2009

Good Stuff?

Good stuff... Good stuff is what an English teacher of mine would say often during his classes. It is what comes into my mind when thinking of the tech world. So many things to think about, investigate, read, create an opinion, test, look and discover. You might even forget harsh reality and all its problems.
During my daily work I am confronted with some data sources, interesting stuff that I'd like to share to others. I like to receive bits of information daily instead of spending minutes browsing the web for updating myself. If something catches my eye I'll share and I'll be more than glad if some of you might find it of some help or for achieving that same purpose.

Nowadays I am a "certified English Speaker" and this means that I am qualified to speak more correct English (but not more than "native" speakers). All these statements are private jokes I used to tell to a customer that stayed on our facilities for years (AgustaWestland, Westland Helicopters) and with whom I worked closely. Nowadays I am starting to miss those times.
So let's keep the good stuff coming.
Good stuff!

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